demonic book, creative commons

Phhw. The 1999 book, Demonic Texts and Textual Demons is finally now online and available (thanks, Laura, once again for all the help!) Since the Tampere University Press edition did not finally reach that many readers outside narrow expert circles, I have now provided the text (not including the illustrations) online under the Creative Commons license. It was such a large part of my life for many years, after all. The url is here:

What do you think (about the book, the project, other issues)? – all comments are welcome. 🙂

all those moments in time

Catalogue of activities in time. Modifying articles for publication in the Children in the Media World book. Listening to the new Bjork album, all wondrous about the possibilities of vocal art. Preparing some background work for a new book on horror criticism some colleagues are editing together this spring. Disappointed that my new, anti-kaamos bright light scheduler did not work in its first testing. All exited about the special edition of the Da Vinci Code, that I bought yesterday: art photography to accompany the fiction of cryptography. Discussions about hyperactivity, the desire for everything. Making some editing touches for the Game Studies course materials. Considering of taking on either a new role in the World of Warcraft or the Everquest 2, and then having to reconsider. Looking at the calendar, all that catalogue of activities in time. Checking some new developments in digital photography, portable media sharing, and future terminals in homes’ media convergence. Starting the process of putting online the 1999 Demonic Texts and Textual Demons book under a creative commons license. Working on several other projects, simultaneously, or almost simultaneously; spinning off into forking paths of tangential activities, thoughts, worlds, like a kaleidoscope or fractal biting the tail of another fractal. Now it is past midnight, again. Reading another good nights tale of fantasy perhaps. Clive Barker’s Abarat. Then new worlds. Of dreams.

modification times

Originally, I thought that January would be a rather quiet month, but it has proved to be the opposite, and February does not look like any better really. I restarted playing Fable, with the “evil” options this time, but there has not really been time to look into it any deeper, or anything other than the most urgent work matters. The Creative Gamers seminar last week was success by many criteria, and it inspired me to take a look at some SWG Cantina Crawls and other Machinima projects. It was also fun to take a look back at the original Star Wars, albeit in somewhat edited shape (the special editions from the new DVD box release). I suppose one should get used to that kind of “retouched history”, but I found myself fascinated and horrified, at the same time, of what had happened with that SF classic. Ok, need to get those next week’s lectures, project documents and DiGRA conference reviews ready during these weekend hours…