next DiGRA board canditates

There is now call for canditates into the next DiGRA executive board, 2006-2008 in (see forums). Please check it out. – Writing this from Juha Herkman’s PhD thesis defence (picture below); these are major academic events and “tribal gatherings” in Finland, don’t know so much what is their role in other coutries. This one is both fun and illuminating; also political. Tomorrow Copenhagen (

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the incredible expanding [shrinking] games universe (and then some garlic)

After doing some overtime again with a load of student papers, DiGRA conference reviews and some book project reviews, and so on and so forth, I find myself in bed with a flu – just as the sun and temperature outside tell that summer really is approaching also these sub-arctic regions. Well, good time to eat piles of garlic and travel around the blogosphere.

There are the stars of Finnish game design, guys from Remedy Entertainment reappearing to show off their forthcoming “psychological action thriller” Alan Wake; see link and an interview in Gamecloud; link. The emphasis seems to be on atmospheric visual design, and it surely seems pretty – but it is too early to say much more.

E3 news are all over the place and they appear to be mostly about new tech, consoles, tie-ins, sequels, the usual suspects. The word “Revolution” seems to mean just the name of Nintendo next-gen console these days rather than any forward step in actual games design (let alone some social or cultural transformations, god forbid). (On wildly jamesjoycean gesture of associative thought, this brings to my mind that there is now an EA website for Spore, the game concept Will Wright hyped in GDC and E3, as explained in this GameSpy report.) In the Guardian Gamesblog, Aleks Krotoski speculates on a line of Nintendo press release about the option that Revolution will be open also for indie games designers and bedroom coders. This would indeed be an exciting option and this kind of window of opportunity for alternative games content entire industry and games culture needs right now. But wait and be disappointed? Gizmodo link shows why you probably will be. (Links: Guardian link (based on note by Boing Boing, followed by the Gizmodo cold shower: link). But then, there is also the good press Nintendo is getting from making Revolution to run the entire history of Nintendo console games, see link. Promising or not?

supercomputers/consoles for homes?

The news of the x-generation consoles are inevitably swamping us all. I have been reading Kotaku’s info on Xbox 360 and BBC story on PS3 – the feelings altenating between fascination and weariness. There are clealy many goodies heading to our direction, but the exact need and sales-point of these investments is still slighly escaping me. I am an addict, so I will probably get these all, and have even more problems setting them up in my living room, but what about rest of the world. Have you already set your eyes on some particular future device? Why?

mayday, cold and grey

This May Day was one of the cold and grey ones: freezing temperatures outside, not much to do expect play games, write articles for a Finnish horror bibliography project I got involved with, eat some. The photos I took outside pretty much tell it all. Saw Magnolia (the movie) finally. Liked it. Fun part is, that after seeing my preferences, Movielens gives as the top recommendation for me now The Princess Bride. 🙂 (PS – Blogger makes life again difficult – it is pain to get anything published via their service any more. Pity…)