life after holidays?

Wow. — More than 3000 emails later, I realize just how dependent we have become on the ICT infrastructure. Not in the prophesised positive symbiotic sense, but rather on the more ambiguous sense of cyborg existence in a world filled with spam. Few days without the net connection means two weeks of race against the new waves of binary rubbish heaping on top of the old ones. Nevertheless: great holiday, great to be back.

off the net

Last week I have busily been rushing towards finishing all the accumulated jobs from my desk. Moderate success only: there seems to be an endless supply somewhere, arriving as a steady stream through email. Anyways, off I go now, happily to experience my first scuba-diving trip ever to Red Sea. So, if this blog never continues, I rest in Egypt.

electronic publishing with a vengeance?

Today we finally delivered the PeTo project report to our university’s electronic library. There were some usual last minute troubles, though. PDF is a curious format with the double function of being designed primarily for screen use with its links and search functions, and yet almost everyone first prints these things to paper. We probably have to start making two different PDF files of every publication, and delivering the high-resolution one to the printing house — our lab should have a pilot project with digital print-on-demand contract with a local company soon enough. Sign of times. Living at the transition period means that you are doing everything twice, all the time.

digital evenings

Hm. Having recently played through the Xbox treat, Baldur’s Gate: Dark Alliance II with Laura, I find myself reluctant to take up another big game. I ended up “playing” with the new Winamp 5 with its easily accessible “Internet Radio” (streaming mp3) and “Internet TV” video channels; the semantics of “play” were what we also discussed with Satu and Britta, after Satu’s presentation in the Game Studies Seminar. I really enjoy all these toys — but so do I enjoy also books. Yet, can a book be a toy? Probably not if it is perceived as literature (Espen might disagree)? Saw a kid playing with a book in Akateeminen Bookshop yesterday, though. One of those musical books, makes an endless melody when you open it and play with it. That was a toy book, definitely. Escaped after two minutes of that.

hello world

Hello world! This blog is not meant as a very serious or active undertaking. Rather I see this as my semi-professional diary; and since I am notoriously bad keeper of diaries, we’ll see… 🙂 Anyways, it is good to be able to make and share notes with such a flexible and easy tool. And you are served by the links on the sidebar: DiGRA, Hypermedia Laboratory, Neogames and MindTrek are all communities that I am currently involved with.

[Edit; this was my first post into the original Blogger blog; sidebars and links have changed many times after that — like the associated circles of life, too.]